“MareMuro” meets contemporary art, with an exhibition, which received the recognition of “ArtCity”, the quality mark of the Municipality of Bologna for exhibitions created simultaneously with “ArteFiera”, from January 24 to 26, 2020.
The exhibition involved three artists who live in the three cities of the “MareMuro” partners and who express the idea of the project in a different way.

Iranian artist Sara Pour, from Bologna, exhibited bottles that contain water and visual works inside them, like encrypted messages from a mysterious sea, which refer to the idea of crossing the seas.
Sudanese Ahmed Isamaldin, from Berlin, presented a visionary cartography project relating to the migrations of the Saharan nomadic tribes, in a geographic context without walls.
Albanian Ergys Vela, from Shkodër, exhibited a video installation of the sea and an interactive installation about freedom of movement.
The exhibition had an extraordinary participation of audience, which was able to interact with the three artists.
Within the exhibition, every evening, a performance by the Ghanaian actor Richard Kwakye was presented, entitled “D Water Rouf La Tempesta”, written and interpreted by him, and staged with the collaboration of director Ennio Trinelli. The performance brought to the fore the question of border crossings, starting with the “sea as a wall”.